Uniting for Conservation

The Cape Hunters and Game Conservation Association (KAAPJAG) has been serving the hunter community in the Western Cape since 1984. With over 3,600 members, KAAPJAG has grown significantly from its inception, driven by its commitment to game preservation and sustainable hunting practices. As an accredited hunting and sport shooting association under the Firearms Control Act No 60 of 2000, KAAPJAG plays a crucial role in certifying dedicated hunters and sport shooters, ensuring that hunting activities are conducted responsibly and ethically. 

KAAPJAG's headquarters are located in Durbanville, serving as a centralised administrative hub for its members, who are primarily based in the Western Cape. The association comprises nine branches, each managed by local enthusiasts dedicated to bringing services and activities closer to members. These branches are responsible for organising member evenings, training sessions, shooting events, competitions, and workshops, fostering a vibrant hunting community.

Members of KAAPJAG adhere to a strict CREDO (subject to the Constitution), which underscores their commitment to conservation, ethical hunting, and respect for nature. This code of ethics ensures that hunters conduct themselves with integrity, promoting conservation efforts and the responsible use of firearms. KAAPJAG aims to promote wildlife knowledge, practice good sportsmanship, guard against the destruction of nature, and comply with all conservation laws and regulations.

The Confederation of Hunting Associations of South Africa (CHASA)

Since its establishment in 1981, the Confederation of Hunting Associations of South Africa (CHASA) has been a stalwart defender of the freedom to hunt in South Africa. KAAPJAG has been affiliated with CHASA since its founding in 1984, benefiting from the national representation that CHASA provides. CHASA's CEO, Stephen Palos, based in Gauteng, liaises and lobbies on behalf of provincial associations like KAAPJAG at national and international levels. 

CHASA encompasses a diverse membership, primarily comprising hunting associations, but also including pro-sustainable use organisations and sport shooting associations. With 19 affiliated associations, CHASA is governed by a board made up of delegates from each member association. This structure ensures that each association, including KAAPJAG, has a direct role in governing and shaping the national body’s policies and actions. 

KAAPJAG’s executive officer, Matt Relihan, currently serves as the Vice Chairman of CHASA, highlighting the strong influence and involvement of KAAPJAG within the confederation.

The Sustainable Use Coalition of Southern Africa (SUCo-SA)

The Sustainable Use Coalition of Southern Africa (SUCo-SA) was established on 6 May 2021 and now represents over 70,000 pro-sustainable use members. SUCo-SA’s mission is to secure the heritage, values, conservation benefits, and wellbeing derived from the sustainable use of renewable natural resources for future generations. KAAPJAG, through its affiliation with CHASA, benefits from the extended influence and advocacy provided by SUCo-SA.

SUCo-SA includes various associations such as:

  • The National Hunting and Shooting Association (NATSHOOT)
  • Parrot Breeders of South Africa (PVSA/PASA)
  • Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA)
  • South African Falconry Association (SAFA)
  • South African Predators Association (SAPA)
  • South African Taxidermy and Tannery Association (SATTA)
  • South African Wing Shooters Association
  • The True Green Alliance (TGA)
  • Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA)

This coalition amplifies the voice of sustainable use advocates, ensuring that government policies respect and promote the freedom to hunt as a vital aspect of conservation.

Securing Our Heritage: Advocating for Hunting and Conservation in South Africa

KAAPJAG's affiliation with CHASA and SUCo-SA significantly enhances its ability to advocate for hunters and conservationists in the Western Cape. By aligning with these powerful organisations, KAAPJAG not only secures its members' interests but also contributes to the broader mission of sustainable use and conservation in South Africa. 

The combined efforts of these associations ensure that hunting remains a respected and integral part of our cultural and natural heritage, safeguarding our freedom to hunt for future generations.

Prof. Pieter van Niekerk, President of CHASA, addressed our members and guests during the Kaapjag AGM and 40th Anniversary celebrations on 20 April 2024. His message is vital in this time when our Freedom to Hunt is under threat and helps to prepare us for the fight against the onslaught. 

The Freedom to Hunt: Prof. Pieter van Niekerk (CHASA President):

To learn more about KAAPJAG and its activities, please visit www.kaapjag.co.za/about


Please contact us with any queries you may have.

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