Chairman: Anthony Swift


Anthony Swift

Born in Cape Town in 1977, Anthony spent most of his early years living and working in the Cape Peninsula. He inherited his passion for firearms from his dad who introduced him to hunting at an early age. In 1998, Anthony started his career in the police and was promptly introduced to shooting combat rifles.  

He became involved in the SA Combat Rifle Association and competed in the Western Province Combat Rifle teams before moving to Calvinia.  

He remained in the police service and became involved with the Ramskop Shooting Range and Boesmanland Branch during 2008. In 2015, Anthony became a full member of the Boesmanland Branch and soon put all his efforts into serving the members and the branch. He became involved on the branch management team and was handed the reigns as branch Chairman in 2019, the year which also saw the branch awarded as Branch of the Year, for the second time. Anthony has worked tirelessly ever since to grow and improve on the legacy left by the previous chairperson, Johann Strauss.

Branch vision 

Anthony’s vision for his branch is to once again, take the Branch of the Year Award “back home” as he states it. Boesmanland Branch, although situated a long way from the rest of us, never hesitates when a volunteer is needed to accept a particular challenge. No wonder when the Inter-Branch Shoot became available, they immediately volunteered.  

Boesmanland will therefore be hosting our Inter-Branch Shoot on 30th October 2021 despite the challenges that Covid-19  has brought about. All indications are that it’s promising to be a momentous event. The hospitality of this branch is just too infectious not to become excited about shooting in Calvinia. Their range and facilities are top-notch, and you are fed extremely well when in their company.

 Anthony is also passionate about children and plans to grow the Association by involving juniors in a school shooting programme. He believes that the future of shooting and hunting will only be ensured, once we have attracted the interest of our young ones. 

Kaapjag is proud to be associated with Anthony Swift and the Boesmanland Branch. You will easily find a more dedicated or selfless person. He stands ready to be of service to anyone who shares similar passions.


What members can look forward to

Boesmanland Branch has won Branch of the Year twice, and you can look forward to good old-fashioned hospitality when joining some of the best supported events in the Association, despite its remoteness:

⨠ Monthly shooting events

⨠ Member’s evenings

⨠ Workshops

⨠ Regular training opportunities for adults and juniors



 If you reside within the vicinity of towns like Nieuwoudtville, Loeriesfontein, Brandvlei, Williston and Calvinia, you will automatically be linked to the great guys & gals of the Boesmanland Branch, upon your successful membership application.


Please contact us with any queries you may have.

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