The Cape Hunters and Game Conservation Association (KAAPJAG) was founded in 1984 by a group of hunters who were concerned about the preservation of game as well as specific hunting areas. Since then, the association has grown to become home to more than 3 600 hunters and sport shooters, who share in their love and passion for wildlife and nature.

KAAPJAG is affiliated at a national level to CHASA (Confederation of Hunting Associations of South Africa), representing more than 14 000 members and ensuring liaison with The South African Police Services, the Department of Environment, Forestry, Fisheries, and many other hunting and conservation-related bodies.

KAAPJAG’s objectives are the promotion of responsible hunting, sport shooting, and conservation.

 KAAPJAG offers members:

  1. An effective and advanced website/administrative system with certain services offered online.
  2. Both Dedicated Hunter- and Dedicated Sport Shooter Status, which enables you to own more than four firearms.
  3. Endorsement and advice in relation to firearm applications for submission to the SAPS.
  4. Geographically situated branches that offer continuous convenient services.
  5. Third Party Liability Insurance for any official association event.
  6. The conveyance of hunting opportunities on a regular basis.
  7. A say in how the association is managed.
  8. A physical office in Durbanville with dedicated and knowledgeable staff available – Mondays to Fridays.
  9. Collaborations with partners in the industry, for instance, Cape Nature, to ensure the availability of hunting licenses.
  10. Constitutional protection by ensuring guidelines for good governance.                                     


We aim to promote the knowledge of the love of wildlife and nature while practicing and promoting good amateur sportsmanship in hunting. 

We are dedicated to actively guard against the destruction of wildlife and nature. 

Furthermore, we are committed to adhering to all laws, ordinances, by-laws, and official directives on the conservation of fauna and flora.

Read our credo here.

To get in touch and stay up to date, visit our website and social platforms (Facebook & Instagram) or email us at 


Please contact us with any queries you may have.

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